bean counter Quilts patterns for nine months to Quilt projects
- for anyone with nine months (or less) to sew some baby love!
Each pattern includes clear, tested, color instructions.
Each pattern features at least two options, ease of use for beginners
and classes, versatility for kitting and a good dose of inspiration.
They truly are great for the beginner, quick for the accomplished!
There are 53 nine months to Quilt projects available now!.
If your local resource does not carry them, most quilt shops will special order for you. Please print off
the contact page on this site and take it to your local shop or check the bcQ Featured Products page
for online ordering options.
Copyright 2006-2017, 2018 bean counter Quilts, LLC All rights reserved.
nine months to Quilt projects
for anyone with nine months (or less) to sew some baby love!
Baby Charms #NM-107
This charming little project will
become one of your favorites for
its easy appeal. Great to use
with one of those tempting
charm pack - adds variety, cuts
down on cutting. So kittable!
25" x 25" or 34" x 43"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Roll Over
The perfect size to lay under
baby while playing on the
floor or to set over the car
carrier to keep the chill out.
Great in soft flannels!
32" x 32" or 42" x 42"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Goose, Goose, Duck
The larger version is a perfect
crib mattress cover, the
smaller a great wall hanging.
Perfect use for a repeating
panel - shown here is Jamie
Kalvestran's collection, Duck,
Duck, Goose with Andover
Fabrics, NYC.
35" x 35" or 35" x 52 1/2"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Come Play With Me
A fun way to use a novelty
stripe and a few coordinates.
Makes a jiffy gift for your special
little one.
32" x 44" or 39" x 51"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Grandmother's Inspiration
This little quilt was inspired by
the birth of a friend's first
grandchild. It was a gift, not for
baby, but for Grandmother.
This patterns calls out fats -
either eighths or quarters.
28" x 38 1/2" or 35" x 45 1/2"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Momma's got Butterflies
Babies can see the dramatic
contrast in this soon-to-be
favorite! Stunning.
Tremendously easy to kit!
40 1/2" x 40 1/2"
or 49 1/2" x 61 1/2"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Fun n' Games #NM-106
Changing diapers is not fun n'
games, but putting the
smaller version together as a
diaper pad is! It is also a
great shower gift - in either
size. Cross sells triangle
25" x 28" or 39" x 44"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Candy for Baby #NM-109
A fat quarter treat! This is
truly quilter's candy - sweet
and satisfying. The smaller
version is a perfect play pad.
The contrasting dark fabric is
something that a little on can
42" x 42" or 54" x 66"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Rascal's Rodeo #NM-108
Round-up a fun focal fabric
and build this perfect play pen
quilt. Two sizes to rope-up
your favorite little person. This
project is appealing in many
different fabric themes. Most
call outs are fat quarters!
32" x 41" or 45" x 54"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Due Date #NM-110
Beginner Delightful - requires
no matching of seams. This
project can definitely be
completed by the DUE DATE!
Includes color instructions
and diagrams for 2 sizes - crib
and twin and utilizes either 5"
charms, 8 1/2" precut squares
or yardage.
35" x 46" or 63 1/2" x 86 1/4"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Crawling Critters #NM-111
Includes color instructions and
diagrams for 3 wall hangings
and the crib sized quilt. This
project will delight your crawlers.
A little quirky, a lot of fun.
14" x 14", 16 1/2" x 18 1/2", 18" x
23", or 44"x 57"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Playpen Penguins #NM-112
Guaranteed to get a smile from
the little ones, and everyone
else. Includes color
instructions and diagrams for
wall and crib quilts. A fun log
cabin border assembly
technique. Featured fabric is
Linsey's Penguins by Jamie
Kalvestran for Andover Fabrics.
28" x 38 1/2" and 35"x 45 1/2"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Count Down
Pre-cut friendly
Easy to cut, easy to sew.
Coordinated or scrappy this
5" charm optional project
will come together quickly.
If you are counting down to
a little one, this quilt is
perfect to piece up in time.
Includes color instructions
and diagrams for 2 size.
Featured fabric is Pop
Garden by Heather Bailey
for FreeSpirit.
28" x 28", or 41"x 50"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Five a Day
Pre-cut friendly
5 inch charms or 4 inch
scraps, take your pick! Serve
up fun fruits, or any other
themed bundle and pull this
project together in 5 hours or
less. Clear, tested, color
instructions with 2 size
29 1/2" x 35", or 36 1/2"x 44
1/2" Suggested Retail $9.00
Bouncing Borders #NM-115
Easy and Easier, that is how
the variations of this project
are best described. Use
precut charms, simple
squares, a framed-up panel
or large scale print. Choose
the size you want to make -
decide on a pieced or plain
center and you will be well on
your way to a bouncing good
time. Fat Quarter and Lap
Size option included.
39" x 48" or 55" x 67"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Nieces and Nephews
Got a baby, or a big baby? This
fat friendly project is fast, easy
and satisfying. If nieces and
nephews are on their way
home as a newborn or away to
the dorm, this is a great quilt to
send along. Want scrappy, that
works too! Lap Size option
36" x 45" or 54" x 72"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Animal Tracks #NM-117
Track your favorite wildlife from
water to sky, realistic to
storybook, with this fun crib,
wall, or lap size project. Cover
features Brown Bear, Brown
Bear by Eric Carle, licensed to
Andover Fabrics. A great
pairing with wildlife or regional
shop hop fabric. Lap Size
option included.
44" x 54" or 60" x 70"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Spell It Out #NM-118
Loved ones big or small, will
LOVE U for wrapping them up
in this quilt. Crib/wall size or
lap size instructions offer you
great options to Spell It Out for
your special one. Cover
features "Love U" by Deb Strain
for Moda. Lap Size option
32 1/2" x 44" or 58 1/2" x 70"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Sheep Little Baby #NM-119
These chubby sheep are
aptly made from fat quarter
cuts of fabric. Your little ones
will "sheep" well under them.
Crib and Topper/Lap size
(bar coded)
37 1/2" x 40" or 46 1/2" x 69"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Pan of Bars #NM-120
A sweet treat for your favorite
little one that is as easy as a
"pan of bars". For your crib
sized tot, or one that is headed
for the big kid bed. Instructions
are Fat Quarter friendly with
pre-cut options for 5" charm or
10" squares. Crib and Large
Lap/Twin size options.
(bar coded)
37" x 50 1/2" or 65" x 83 1/2"
Suggested Retail $9.00
A Quick Delivery #NM-121
A great project for gift giving.
You can get this project done
in time for a quick delivery. Fat
quarters work nicely in this
versatile project. With a
rectangular block, it looks
more complex than it is. Crib
and Lap size options.
(bar coded)
36" x 46" or 54" x 70"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Ready to Bloom #NM-122
This simply stunning project is
ready to show off solids, small
scale prints, 1930's
reproductions, batiks and
more. You have lots of
options to let your creativity
bloom with either fat quarters
or pre-cut strips. Crib and Lap
size options.
(bar coded)
44" x 54" or 56" x 66"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Not so Shabby - Scarf #NM-123
This scarf project with optional
"soft poly" backing is is not only
stylish but versatile. You can
use fats, scraps, or pre-cut
strips and optional fast chenille
accent. Vertical and Horizontal
piecing options.
(bar coded)
8" x 58""
Suggested Retail $9.00
With a Twist #NM-124
This fun technique project can
be created in 2 sizes. The crib
size uses the 'Lil Twister tool
and the lap size uses the
Twister tool for pinwheels. A
fun project that incorporates
the use of a great tool.
(bar coded)
30" x 36" or 72" x 87"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Grow UP Tall Giraffe
Strong and tall - just the way
we want our little ones to grow
up. This sweet and swanky
giraffe is just the thing to adorn
and infant or toddler's room -
bigger kids will love it too! Fat
quarter friendly - strip pieced.
(bar coded)
37 1/2" x 57" or 50" x 76"
Suggested Retail $9.00
One in the Oven
Fast, Fun, and Finished
kitchen projects. Instructions
guide the use of the 'Lil
Twister tool for pinwheels. 3
projects: towel accent, hot pad
and table runner! Charm pack
(bar coded)
6' x 18", 11" x 11", 23" x 35"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Tag Along Turtle
Tag along for this fabulous and
fun project. Strip piecing makes
these turtles come together
quickly. Fat quarter and fat
eighth call outs make it easy to
pull together. Fat quarter
friendly - strip pieced.
(bar coded)
37 1/2" x 51" or 50" x 68"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Baby's Bedding
Baby's Bedding presents a
wonderful assortment of nursery
items - ready to be sewn up to
match your decor. Crib
Comforter, Receiving Blanket,
and Diaper Changing Pad.
(bar coded)
42" x 50", 34 1/2" x 34 1/2",
or 16 1/2" x 33 1/2"
Suggested Retail $9.00
One Good Twist
A little twisting, or a lot - your
choice. Both the crib and lap
versions are fun to make and
the fabric choices are almost
endless. A great use of the Lil'
Twister Tool by CS Designs.
(bar coded)
37 1/2' x 43 1/2"
or 61 1/2" x 73 1/2"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Stocking Sweet Stocking
This great project can be filled to
the brim. Both sturdy and
whimsical, sure to be a hit -
even if the stocking is the gift. A
fun step-by-step use of the Lil'
Twister Tool by CS Designs.
Charm friendly!
(bar coded)
2 versions - both 12 1/2" x 19"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Life is Good
Fat quarters be warned - the
cutting table awaits! This
project features fat quarters
beautifully and efficiently.
Simple, lovely and versatile.
(bar coded)
43 1/2" x 52 1/2"
or 64 1/2" x 78"
Suggested Retail $9.00
Stubby Toes Stocking
Small, sturdy, useful and
ADORABLE. Hard to resist -
the stocking is the gift. A
great use of the Lil' Twister
Tool by CS Designs. Fat
friendly, easy to kit at a great
price point. 2 style options
(bar coded)
Approx: 8" x 13"
Suggested Retail $10.00
Celebration Runner #NM-133
Celebrate a festive Fourth of
July, or any other holiday
theme with this FUN and
FAST runner. Pieced or Plain
- easy of easier. 2 style
options. (Cover features
"Stonehenge Stars and
Stripes" and "Stonehenge
Stars and Stripes II" Northcott.
(bar coded)
Approx: 8 3/8" x 24 1/2"
Suggested Retail $10.00
Grow Up Wise Owl #NM-134
Wide eyed and wise - a great
way to grow up. This cute and
stylish owl if perfect to grow
up with or under. Strip pieced
and fat friendly. 2 size
options.(bar coded)
35" x 45" crib
49" x 63" lap/topper
Suggested Retail $10.00
You'll Go Gaga #NM-135
No matter what size or
piecing options you choose,
you'll go gaga over this
simple, stunning project. It is
easy to imagine this as your
"go to" project for baby
showers and other "gifting"
(bar coded)
4 size options, 2 design
options per size.
Suggested Retail $10.00
Glad Tidings #NM-139
Glad Tidings to you and
yours. This fun and
functional project has four
size options. Each size
requires a different tool. A
great use of the continuous
pinwheel tools by CS
Designs and Primitive
(bar coded)
Approx: 14 1/2" x 14 1/2", 25" x
25", 42" x 42", 63 1/2" x 63 1/2"
Suggested Retail $10.00
Boo Yah Bag #NM-138
Not Tricky, just a Treat. A fun,
fast, and easy bag for trick or
treating, gift giving, kiddo
craftiness, or general use. A
nice tidy sized project. The
inside pocket is optional, but
a perfect size for crayons,
markers or colored pencils. .
(bar coded)
Approx: 16" x 11 1/2" x 2 1/2"
Suggested Retail $10.00
Blooming Borders #NM-137
A simple, yet stunning project.
Use precut charms, Layer
Cakes, fat quarters, yardage,
scale print. Choose the size
you want to make - decide on
a pieced or plain center and
you will be well on your way to
a blooming good time.
2 size options.(bar coded)
41" x 50" crib
78" x 97" lap/twin
Suggested Retail $10.00
The All Season Table
Top your table in all seasons!
This darling tableware will be
a favorite, no matter the
holiday or season. Simple to
piece, fast to finish, easy to
enjoy. Reversible Table
Runner, Set of 4 Placemats,
Set of 4 Napkins.
(bar coded)
14 1/2" x 44 1/2" Runner
Suggested Retail $10.00
One Block Onesie
A one block delight, designed
as a crib quilt and nursery
decor. 3 size options
included. Beginner friendly.
Optional use of Block_Loc
(bar coded)
12 1/2" x 16 1/2"
24 1/2" x 32 1/2"
36 1/2" x 48 1/2"
Suggested Retail $10.00
Keep It Simple
Vibrant color in a simple, yet
stunning project. Very
satisfying in Crib or Queen
sizes. A beginner quilt with
simple block construction and
modern appeal. Optional use
of Block_Loc ruler.
(bar coded)
48 1/2" x 54 1/2"
83 1/2" x 92 1/2"
Suggested Retail $10.00
Stinkin' Cute
Sweet, Smart and Stinkin'
Cute. This chubby and
whimsical elephant is perfect
to grow up with or under. 2
size options, crib or topper.
Beginner and fat friendly.
Easy construction with strip
piecing instructions.
(bar coded)
49 1/2" x 49 1/2"
66" x 66"
Suggested Retail $10.00
Live, Laugh, Bathe
Fun accents for the bath are
always appreciated and in
this case, functional. Three
size options. Beginner
friendly with simple block
construction and modern
appeal. Optional use of
Block_Loc ruler.
(bar coded)
Toilet Topper 8" x 16"
Small Bath Mat 16" x 32"
Large Bath Mat 20" x 40"
Suggested Retail $10.00
new pattern
Due Date 2
This versatile quilt pattern is
beginner delightful.
Directions in two sizes: lap
and queen; it is the perfect
follow-up to the original crib
sized version. The lap
version is charm pack OR fat
quarter friendly. No matching
of seams makes this project
perfect for flannels. Great guy
or dorm throw. Lap 58" x 65",
Queen 95" x 102".
(bar coded)
Suggested Retail $10.00
Dessert Tray
Sweet to start and sweet to
finish. This project can be
made with either a precut
collections of 10" squares, or
bundles of 2 1/2" strips. This
versatile quilt pattern uses
strip piecing for a faster
result. Directions in four
sizes: 2 topper options, crib
and lap. Topper 34" x 34" OR
18" x 66", Crib 34" x 50", Lap
66" x 82".
(bar coded)
Suggested Retail $10.00
new pattern
Beautifully Easy Runner
This runner pattern is
beautifully easy! From a tiny
topper to a bed runner, it goes
together simply and quickly. A
great afternoon project.
Directions in four sizes: tiny
topper 8 1/2" x 24 1/2",
medium table runner 12 1/2" x
36 1/2", large table runner 16
1/2" x 48 1/2", and bed runner
24 1/2" x 72 1/2". Optional
use of Block_Loc ruler.
(bar coded)
Suggested Retail $10.00
new pattern
Panel Expression
A great expression of your
love for fabric panels.
Versatile for use with a
vertically printed panel or a
large scale print. This simple
yet eye-catching project
makes up into a generous lap
sized delight. A day or
weekend project. Bonus
Crib/Wall sized pattern
Large Lap 56 1/2" x 74 1/2"
Crib/Wall 38 1/2" x 56 1/2".
(bar coded)
Suggested Retail $10.00
Panel Expression 2
A great expression of your
love for fabric panels.
Versatile for use with a
horizontally printed panel or a
large scale print. This simple
yet eye-catching project
makes up into a generous lap
sized delight. A day or
weekend project. Bonus
runner pattern included.
Large Lap 60 1/2" x 79"
Bonus Runner 20 1/2" x 40
(bar coded)
Suggested Retail $10.00
Sweet Sailing
Sweet Sailing - right through
this lovely little project. Crib or
Twin sized options make this
a great project for a kids quilt.
Strip piecing makes the
project sweet and simple.
Crib 29 1/2" x 37"
Twin 70 1/4" x 89".
(bar coded)
Suggested Retail $10.00
Tiled Runner
A fun and fast project that is
satisfying and stunning. From
a tiny topper to a bed runner, it
goes together simply and
quickly. A great afternoon
project. Can be used as a
beginner class. Four size
options from pre-cuts, scraps,
or coordinated yardage:
tiny topper 8" x 20 1/2"
med. tbl. runner 16 1/2" x 39"
lg tbl. runner 22" x 49 1/2"
bed runner 35" x 82 1/2".
(bar coded)
Suggested Retail $10.00
Panel Expression 3
A great expression of your
love for fabric panels. Vertical
setting options in two sizes
make this stunning project
versatile and easy. Lap or
Crib/Wall options. A day or
weekend project.
Lap 54 1/2" x 72 1/2"
Crib/Wall 42 1/2" x 60 1/2".
(bar coded)
Suggested Retail $10.00
Super Cinchy Runner
Super Cinchy is a great name
for these projects. Three
runner options and a bonus
pattern for place mats make
this extra fun. A great project
for and afternoon.
small runner: 9 1/2" x 27 1/2"
med. runner: 12 1/2" x 36 1/2"
lg. runner: 15 1/2" x 45 1/2"
place mats: 10 1/2" x 14 1/2".
(bar coded)
Suggested Retail $10.00
New Favorite
A vibrant project that allows
simple fabric pairings to do
the work. This stunning
project will become your new
favorite. Satisfying in crib, lap,
or queen sizes. A beginner
quilt with simple block
construction and modern
Crib: 40 1/2" x 49 1/2"
Lap: 54 1/2" x 72 1/2"
Queen: 90 1/2" x 99 1/2"
(bar coded)
Suggested Retail $10.00